

A Precious Gift
View On Black (For a much better view)The woman seen in the picture works in a sweet selling shop in Chittagong. I took the photo on the last day of Durga Puja in front of Chotteswari Temple. People gathered around from different places to celebrate Vijayadashami. I was holding the camera out shooting kids, girls, elders- almost every body. As I got close to her and wanted for a photo she jumped up and turned to veil her head with a piece of cloth. Just before she veiled herself I got this smile on her face.

My childhood memories

Wrinkles - The Self Clock
View On BlackAppreciate your comments and feedback. But No GIF/Award Please.

The man seen above introduced himself as Mr. Roisuddin. He is currently 81 years old and suffering from liver diseases.
Shot at Dhamrai, Savar, Dhaka.

Story Teller

View On BlackAppreciate your comments and feedback (no offence) but no GIF/AWARDs pleaseA man smoking cannabis as part of their spiritual ritual. Shot at Lalon festival, Norshingdi, District in Bangladesh, 2011.

The Saint
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Happiest Mother
View On BlackAppreciate your feedback and suggestions.No GIF please:)

Only for a moment...
Better Viewed On Black

The Unconcealed Beauty
Wish I could print her this photo as a gift.

The Saint
saints are meant to live austere life. They usually abandon their family for the sake of spiritual wisdom. Before performing rituals they sometimes put those white power and that Trident sign on their forehead. The Trident sign (also known as trishula (tri-three + shool-thorn)) is characterized to Lord Shiva as described in Hindu religious books. It symbolizes the saint is a worshipper of Lord Shiva.

A Burden - Never paid for

Signature Of Age!

Story Teller

Lost Smile
View On BlackAppreciate your comments and feedback (no offence) but no GIF/AWARDs please

A fisherman's daughter
Appreciate your comments and feedback (no offence) but no GIF/AWARDs pleaseIn my excursion trip I was visiting a fishermen village in Kuakata. Our troller boat stopped at the bank. There was mud all around. With soft steps, carefully managing my camera I got down. It was a hot humid day when most of the fisherman kids playing in the front yard. There was a gentle breeze playing with those kids. It was almost then as she was passing by me and that wind blowing her hair.

Here is my first stranger whom I met on an occasional photo-walk days ago. She is actually a model and was there for an outdoor photo-shoot with fellow colleagues. Me and one of my friend happened to visit that same place on our way back home. Indecently, her photographer was one of the acquaintances of my friend.
I asked my friend about getting introduced to her and take her photo as she looks quite pretty. My friend also agreed and told her photographer about my intention. Finally, both me and my friend approached her, get introduced and took a couple of shots.
Thank you Lamisa for being part of my project. If you see this and like this, please let me know and I will print it and send it to you as a gift!----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usual.This picture is #1 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

View On Black
----------------------------------------I met her on first day of Spring this year. People gather around from different places to celebrate the festival with enthusiastic color and vigor! She came along with her mother. Her name is Rifat. On that day I was mostly trying to take photos of strangers as the festival was filled with so many unknown faces. I was there for a long time taking photos of them. I approached them and took as many as i wanted. But those were all group photos. Finally I asked her to take a single and she agreed. Out of the two I liked this. Should have tried with a clean background but decided not to ask her for more as her mother was waiting.
Thanks for being part of my project.For more about the festival pls visit this link----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usual.This picture is #4 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------Stranger Three

My Childhood Memories
For more pls visit:blissful-penguin.com.au/spring-festival-of-bangladesh-pah...View On Black

VIP guest
For more pls visit:blissful-penguin.com.au/spring-festival-of-bangladesh-pah...Better Viewed On Black

Festival Of Color!

Hey! Happy Holi!!
for more visit
The main purpose of Holi festival is to relaxing some social restrictions normally associated with caste, class, gender and age. The festival bridges social gaps and brings together people from all walks of life. It creates an atmosphere of togetherness and merriment.People throw scented powder and perfume at each other which gives this festival its common name ‘Festival of Colours.’ This ritual is said to be based on the story of Lord Krishna and His wife Radha as well as His friends and household-help as Krishna's has a playful habit of spraying water on them. During then people mostly celebrated it on the coming of spring with all its beautiful colors and vibrant lives.In the old part of Dhaka, especially at Shakhari Bazar and the Tanti Bazar area, people enjoy this festival in all its vigor, where age, gender and religion blend into one large bucket of ostentatious color.

Feel The Blue
See more pictures here:blissful-penguin.com.au/holi-festival/Appreciate your comments and feedback (no offence) but no GIF/AWARDs pleaseView On Black

Hi !!!!
for more visit

Color Bath
for more visit

On his eighties..View On Black

Alone Inside
The person seen above introduced himself as Rajendra. He is a saint. Homeless. Most of time he spends in meditation. I meet him at Narayangong district of Bangladesh on the occasion of annual Hindu ritual namely Mohastomi dip. On the discourse he told it took him eight hours by bus to join the festival. As I approached him to take a picture he agreed and interestingly he let me took as many pictures as I wished. Normally saints prefer solitude and they tend to avoid human gathering and much taking. But he was very friendly. He mentioned that at his age of thirty he left his home and joined some other saints in a local asroma and started his new journey of life. I asked if he ever regretted his decision. He shrugged and told he is on the path of GOD and added why should he regret when he is leading such a peaceful life.Thanks Rajendra for being part of my project. I know you will never see this and never be able to know how much I enjoyed my time with you. May God bless you!----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usual.This picture is #3 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------Stranger Two

He is a devotee of Baba Lokhnath. Taken at Barodi, Narayanganj, Bangladesh

Following The Hard Path
A homeless saint. Saints are meant to live austere life with firm determination to achieve their spiritual goals. The person seen above keeps himself in chains to obey the doctrine of his "Guru".Hindu devotees gather around from various places even from different countries in Langalbandha of Narayanganj district in Bangladesh to take a holy Mahastami dip in the River Brahmaputra as part of their annual ritual.I took this shot there on Saturday, the March 31, 2012.I asked him why he took this path. His answer was simple: my guru ordered me to do so. He is doing this for last five years or so and want to continue until he reaches "salvation".Though I have no right to disrupt one's personal choice of living but for the sake of pleasing GOD or for the sake of gaining spiritual freedom living this way seems insanity to me to some extent.---------------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usual.This picture is #2 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
---------------------------------------------Stranger One

Stranger #5
Today I meet this guy and this time a crazy guy indeed. Well, let me explain.I saw him from the opposite side of the road and directly drawn to him by the "character" in his face. This days somehow I find these guys a bit easy to shoot. So I pulled out my camera from the bag and was just short of pressing the shutter. With utter surprise his eyes became quite big and he said get out!! don't take my photo!! I thought he is mad and doing this out of insanity. So I was left undecided what to do. He left the place (with some un-publishable words in his mouth!!) and I started to follow. Then he settled into a roadside tea stall and as he saw me entering he went enraged again. I said listen I am going to take your photo. He said no and was about to grab my camera. I smiled and asked what's the problem? Don't know why but he seemed to step back and sit down just a bit relaxed. But at the same time it immediately garbed my mind why not offer his some tea? Yes, without letting him put a single word I asked the boy to serve two cups of tea. For some weird reasons he took the tea from the boy and took a rather grimaced look on my face. Again, I smiled asking him now (pointing my camera)??. Again he eyes went big. But seemed a bit more relaxed now but not enough. I again ordered the boy to give him some snakes. As soon as the snakes arrived, out of another surprise, he stood up and garbed my shoulder and forced me sit besides him and VOILÀ my bird started to sing!!Then he told me his name Md. Manik Bapari and added he came to Dhaka at the age of 13. Ever since he has been living here. He never went to school and started to work in a grocery shop. Couple of years later he started his own business with a small tea shop and then got married. His two sons are taking care of his business and he now spends most of the time gossiping with different people.
Thanks Mr. Bapari to be part of my project.
Just FYI, in the backdrop seen our current prime minister madam Sheikh Hasina ----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usual.This picture is #5 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------Stranger Four

Stranger #6
View On Black
----------------------------------------Today I met Mr. Mokter in one of the busiest river port namely Shadarghat in Dhaka. He was talking with his fellows as I approached him. He didn't disagreed. So I took his picture. During the discourse he informed he has been living in Dhaka for last 26 years. He has two school going kids and his ancestors lived in the north side of Bangladesh namely Rangpur.
Thanks for being part of my project.----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usual.This picture is #6 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #7
View On Black
----------------------------------------This is Mr. Abul Kasem. I met him in old part of Dhaka as I was passing by. As I asked him for the photo he wanted to know the reason. I didn't actually explained him as I knew he will not ultimately realize the idea so told him I am from newspaper. Ohh that was actually a lie. But taking photo of his beard, I thought, worth quite more than that.He leads his life selling Betel (in local language we call this "Paan"). He has three sons and two daughters and he lives along with his family in Dhaka for last couple of decades.
Thanks for being part of my project.----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usual.This picture is #7 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Shojol (Actor)
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Corporate Shot (Archive)
It is an archive shot. Suddenly found out as I was going through my collection. She was introduced by a friend of mine back then.
No editing done. Only the actual image from camera raw.

Lets Talk Business Then...
Mr. Kamal. currently 81 years old. As I asked him for the photo he was a bit reluctant. After giving my reasons, however, he agreed.
shot at Old-Dhaka.

Stranger #8
View On Black
Today I am going to introduce another nice person Mr.Clay. I met him in one of the busiest river ports namely Shadarghat lately. I was roaming there for nearly an hour or more to find something interesting. That place is heavily crowded and I had to push my way to go from one side to the other. I was rather busy watching my own steps. Coming to a slightly less crowded area I stopped by, looked around. Suddenly my eyes were stuck at him. He was reading a book standing in some vantage point overlooking the crowd standing besides a barber shop. I approached, stood nearby him when he was taking a photo. He showed me the photo as I wanted to see. Finally I shook my hands with him to introducing myself and asked him for a photo. He agreed instantly and then I explained him about the project. During the discourse he mentioned he is from Australia and came here in Bangladesh for two weeks on a business trip. We discussed about Australian Cricket team and I think he was happy to hear that Bangladesh has a lot of fan for Australian cricket. We walked until we found some suitable place. We managed to take a couple of shots before departing each other. Wish you all the best Clay for your business and thank you so much for being part of my project.----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usual.This picture is #8 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

View On BlackHe was sitting in a Tea stall gossiping with his other friends. I have a very bad habit. When I see some interesting character I cannot but stop by, wait for my chances. As it is, I waited until he looked upward and noticed that my eyes are right on him. I asked him to come out, he did. I asked him if i could take a photo, he nodded. I asked him to sit on a bench, he followed. As I shot a gentle breeze played around to turn his beard like this.
During the discourse he told he has a tea shop and he was sitting in the front bench of that tea shop incidentally as I shot. His name is Korshed. He is currently 71 years old. His wife is still alive. He has one son and four daughters. All of his daughters now live separately with their husband and his son who is still unmarried lives with him. Also told that his son is a Nosimon puller. Nosimon is a kind of engine driven vehicle which can carry a group of people and during its movement it make large sound which is a bit annoying.

Story Teller
Govt officials bought a large chunk of land beside the river. Her house is also acquired by them. They took her land by force. She is going to be evicted soon at the age of 95. She told me over and over to tell the officials not to evict her. At this age where will she go, who knows.Don't know what happened to her, afterwords.Shot at MauyaGhat, Dhaka.
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The person introduced me as Dudu Mia, currently 70 years old. Have two sons. One work for the garments industry and another is a farmer. He sells milk. Four liters each day for 40tk (0.5$) per liter.Shot at Damrai, Shavar, Dhaka

Guys please read this. its more interesting even than the photo itself!
I found her in a street on Damrai, Savar, Dhaka. She could not tell me her name, her age, anything. I guess 60 or more. She has no family. No children or her children might have abandoned her. She roams around the place. People offer her food which is how she lives. She somehow found me interesting. She kept looking at my camera, laughing. Could not talk. Rather I gestured with my thumbs that it takes photo. She smiled. I put my hand on her shoulder. Walked with her. She was happy. I took a photo. Made her take a look. She laughed and laughed.

I met this person in Damrai, Savar. He is a Purohit (priest). I asked him for the photo he agreed. Walked him to the place and shot a few. I let me see his photo and he said : oh its very clear and thanks. But then took his steps and said I have a lot of work to do. I cried out him twice to tell me his name but he didn't. so cannot tell you guys any stuffs about him.

The Saint
Shot at Dhamrai, Savar, Dhaka on the occasion of Ratha-Yatra

The Saint!

Black Soul
View On BlackAla Uddin Munshi. Age 73. Born in Dhamrai. He has three sons and three daughters, Currently he is a riksha puller.

Stranger #9
View On Black
Dear viewers, today I am going to tell you a really long story. It’s long but interesting. Interesting the way we meet, interesting what we discussed, and interesting the person himself whom I am going to write about.
The world around us evolves so fast and hence it’s rather very ambitious for me to ask someone to read this totally boring, lifeless, bland and uninteresting writing prepared by my poor skills spending some five minutes or so. However, I am on the optimistic side!First of all, how we met: the answer is we met online. Meeting someone on the street is amazing but meeting someone online and being invited by him for a dinner and having a two hour long conversation in the guise of getting to know each other is, I don’t know but, close to something like bolt from the blue in some cases! I asked him one question: please tell me who you are. His answer was I am Martien. I then requested him to elaborate the word “Martien”. He smiled and then the real conversation began. Well, if you guys are still not utterly and completely bored then I would suggest you finish the whole!The person in question is called Martien Van Asseldonk. Due to restriction on birth control by the then catholic church, he was born in Holland in 1954 as the seventh son of his parents out of a total of nine offspring. From 1977 to 1980 he worked for Philips as a researcher in chip design. Feeling an urge to do something for the society he left his job and went to Kenya in September, 1980 to work as general manager in a village poly-technique institute along with his wife whom he married in 1980. Her name is Yoke who started to work in the same village as a nurse.
As his contract was over, he came back in March 1985. Until 1986 he remained there in Holland when he built his own house as well. By July 1986 he moved to Sri Lanka as a project manager to work for a charity organization which was funded mainly by Belgium and Holland govt. The goal of the project was to build one hundred “Catamaran” (big canoe) by the villagers in one year spending nearly one million EURO provided by several donor countries. But only one such canoe was build in three years which is why he was asked to go and investigate the reason for such discrepancy and find a solution to resolve it. Later he found that, before the canoe was to be built, there was a dispute among those villagers to find the person who should own that canoe as it would be built. This took nearly one year to settle down by those villagers. Due to his counseling they all started to build those canoes themselves. The project started to run in its full pace as well.
Things started to take a different turn while the manager of the other wing who was an active worker of the rebellion group JVP started to gather ammunition to uproot the then govt. in the guise of building canoes along with those workers of Boatyard. Boatyard is the name of the organization which was responsible for building those canoes. It had several wings and Martien was responsible for managing one such wing.
It appeared that JVP killed nearly five thousand govt. officials and the secret mission was operated from Boatyard. The govt. also took its retaliation on the separatist group killing almost sixty thousand of them. During that time, as Martien mentioned, corpses were found in the river torn apart by crocodiles which he took photos of. Even he made some video documentary of those unfortunate happenings as well.
The interesting thing is, Martien was totally unaware of the fact that Boatyard had connection to all those activities until govt. officials told him about that. During that period many workers flew away from Bozart. The manager of the other wing who was operating all those covert activities also managed to escape as military officials raided that place. But those officials could not find any explosive materials in Boatyard because Martien cleared all those stuff prior to that raid which was obviously a very great decision at that moment. He packed all those bomb making stuffs and rode his bike crossing three check points all the way to the river and drowned all those stuffs prior to that raid as soon as he reckoned such actions. I asked him why he did not leave Sri Lanka at that time. He mentioned he was safe by support from local security forces.
As the govt. took stern action against the separatist group (JVP ) many were arrested and taken to the concentration camp and were tortured ruthlessly to death. As we were taking diner together Martien told he would like to avoid those horrific descriptions. I agreed. During that time his job role changed from the manager of Bozart to the translator of ICRC in 1991. Due to this new role he had to talk with different family members of those prisoners telling them that their children are dead. It’s worth noting that those family members were told earlier that their children were safe and doing fine inside the camp even after their death. So Martien had to talk to their parents explaining the true fact as their parents keep coming to the camps on a regular basis wanting to know about their sons and daughters. It was very shocking to see how people started to react hearing such news of the loss of their children. With utter dismay Martien resigned in 1992.
During the year 1991 Martien published a paper based on some research which stated there is a castle in a certain village in the south Holland but nobody ever believed so because the location of that castle was unknown. As he left for Kenya back in 1980 he took with him nearly 20 kilograms of medieval texts with him to study. Later reading those texts he found there was a landlord who sent his horseman periodically throughout the year to collect tax from the farmers. So the question remains as if someone sends the horseman to collect tax then the horseman is also responsible to return those taxes to his master. This lead to a general conclusion that if such a master ever existed then he should be very powerful and as a symbol of aristocracy he might have build such a castle. Many professors applauded him for this finding and asked him to pursue more on it. However, he had other issues to deal with and hence could not involve himself on a regular degree.
In 1992 he started a project of vegetables plantation along with one of his friend in Sri Lanka. Finally, in 1995 he joined MDF as a consultant. Ever since he is continuing his job under the same employer. He started his regular studies in 1997 and in the year 2002 he got his PhD. From 2001 to late 2004 he had been in Afghanistan until Al- Quada demanded his friends' life for ransom. One other event he mentioned me is his visit to Sudan to support the hungry humanity on an UN mission which made him stay in the desert almost food and waterless whole night until UN airplane rescued him from there.
His wife’s name is Yoke. His son is named Alexander and his three daughters are named Marieke, Elles, and Marleen.In short, all I can say personality like Martien with numerous stories of his own life made me so glad to get him as part of my project. All my best wishes to him and his family and Martien I really hope you like this photo and thank you so much for telling me about you.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usual.This picture is #9 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

This is Ruma. Met her in a social event. She was among the organizing members who arranged that event. The place was very busy with different people and hence could not manage a better background. Both she and I was on a rush so I got two or three minutes in total for everything. To make sure I don't end up with weird focus mistake I used the maximum dof which I never use on a regular basis. Finally, I showed her the images and took her email. She was happy to see the photos and told me to mail her as soon as possible. That's kind of a inspiration but would be happy to here from you guys as well on improvement.
Thank you Ruma for being part of my project.----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usual.This picture is #10 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger#11 Paul and Keeva
This is Paul, bellow is his Daughter Keeva. I found them on my way back from office. Stopped them and explained my intention and they agreed. Found a suitable background and shot them. Asked Paul to tell me something interesting about him but he added his life is very boring. LOL. I don't believe so. How could your life be so bored Paul when you got such a cute angel to roam around you? Perhaps that's the most interesting thing that you don't tell interesting things about yourself to others.Paul came from Ireland to enjoy holidays with his wife Shapna. He worked for an NGO named "Concern" where he met his wife. They got married in 1992.
Thank you Paul and Keeva for being part of my project. Wish you all the best in your future ventures.----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usual.This picture is #11 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Keeva (Stranger)
Read More here Stranger 10

Kali Podo(Stranger)
View On BlackThe man introduced himself as Kali Podo Das. Currently eighty (80) years old. He sells Dhol. There are different sizes varying in prices ranging from 250 to 2500 BDT. He has two (2) sons and a daughter.

The Unveiled
Portrait of a Bride.Thanks everybody for comments and feedback and thanks a ton for watching!

Stranger #12 (Happiness I saw Within)
Nandarani. 70 years old. Have two sons and three daughters and some grandchildren as well. She remembers the war of liberation in 1971 when she was 3 months pregnant with her elder son. During those days she along with her husband refuged to India. After the war was over they came back and settled in Vogobanpur. Shot at Batuli, Manikgong (Near Capital Dhaka), Bangladesh.Stranger 11----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usual.This picture is #12 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #13
Better Viewed On BlackGopla Chandra Sarker. 55 years old. Had three daughters as he left home 17 years ago. For last 11 years he has been a devotee. Met him on the occasion of Durga Puja at the old part of Dhaka on the last day of Puja (i.e., Vijoya Dosomi).----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usual.This picture is #13 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

A Slice Of Life!
View On Blackshot at old part of Dhaka on the last day (i.e., Vijayadashami) of Durja Puja On the last day of Durga Puja, before the immersion of goddess (Ma (= Mother) Durga) a game of Vermillion takes place among the females of all ages (especially among those who are married and not widowed). Generally, this is a game of fun and merriment. In Hindu religion vermillion is treated as a holy ingredient and women who use it at the parting of their hair are considered to have their husband alive. In ancient times using of vermillion was accustomed to resist violence against women. During the Middle Ages, as there were many occasions of violence especially against women such rape and burnt alive, vermillion – a terminal poison – was always carried by them to ensure their chastity. There were virtually numerous occasions when females choose to suicide if their husbands were killed or they were held hostage.
As of late, If some married woman offers vermillion to anyone (especially Hindus), it is considered that the woman is offering blessings to her and therefore, expecting to be blessed by heaven to have a long life of her husband.

Faith - Can you Define? (2)

Abdur Rashid, 60

Stranger #14 - Hope The Last Resort
Met him on a casual photo-walk. Introduced myself and after a few banters took a stroll together to find some place for a photo.
His name is Tara Mia. Currently 75 years old. Have two sons who work as chef in local hospital. His wife is suffering from paralysis for a long time. So he has to run a business to buy medicine for her and he believes someday she will recover.----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usual.This picture is #14 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #15
Met her on a local fair where she gave a butics stall to sell male and female ware sewed by her. Her name is Merry. She lives with her family in Hill Tracks regions of the country.Gender equality has become one of the most significant considerations of our society nowadays. Consequently, like other parts of the country, even the Hill Tracks region of Bangladesh started to provide more autonomy especially to women. Going against the concept of a patrifocal society, people of our country appear to support a more equal footing between the sexes. Accordingly, females are seen to become even entrepreneurs creating opportunities of job for others as well. This young lady runs her own clothing business in Bandorbon district employing a couple of other individuals.----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #15 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page


Stranger #16
This is Tonusri Mondol. Met her on Language Day at Central “Shohid Minar” (national monument). People gather around from many parts of the country to remember the sacrifice of lives by Dhaka University students in 1952 on the same day. Salam, Barkot, Jabar and many others were shot dead by then Pakistani army as they opened fire on the procession by students demanding Bengali as a state language.She was among the organizing committee. As I approached, she agreed and I took the bellow photo first. However, as I saw the image in play back I felt like it would be a better idea to take a more personal up-close shot. Consequently, after 10-15 minutes later I approached her again, changing my lens. It was mid day and l was somewhat worried about unnecessary contrast that might be a side-effect of this direct sunlight. Yet, I decided to give it a try without taking her to somewhere else with better lighting. Here is what I managed to get finally. There were many people around and it was tough to get a clean background like this. So, I decided to fix it using Photoshop.
Thank you Tonusri to be part of my project.She was the first encounter on the same day. My second encounter, who was another gorgeous beautiful lady hanging around the same place, however, decided not to participate after having a conversation of nearly one minute or so.----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #16 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Oliza (left)

Stranger #17 - Morgan
After a long while I am back again into this project. So today I met Morgan who is an art student.She was on her way to marshal art class when i intercepted her in the corner of Park street (near college street). The first thing that caught my eye was the color of her hair. I approached her and told her that her face somehow intrigued me and i would like to take her photo. I also told her about the project and asked if she would like to participate. She happily consented and here is the outcome.
I was shooting in wide angle which gave a messy background and the blown out sky but i have to admit that I love that gorgeous smile on her face (Who wouldn't). Good job Morgan. If we ever happen to come across I would definitely love to see that smile again on your face. Before we waved goodbye she mentioned that she got British ancestry and she has another sister.On a side note, I had another similar encounter at George st. But due to lack of time could not get their details or inform the bits about the project. However, I am attaching the photo in the comments sections if anyone would like to see. The girl in red is named Oliza and I can no longer remember the name of one on the right.Once again, Thank you Morgan for being part of my project.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #17 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger - #19 Nicole
It was a wonderfully bring sunny day and I was standing near Townhall at Sydney CBD while I saw her walking by in front of me with a drinks on her hand and wearing a white mask. What caught my eye was her orange-colored hair against her fair skin tones. I immediately switched to my strangers approach autopilot mode and waved to get her attention. As I explained the project and shared the details of it on my phone she consented to participate. We walked up to a wall next to a nearby building and took a couple of shots standing in front.
During our conversation she mentioned of her Singaporean and Vietnamese ancestry and her love for doing sewing as a hobby. She added - once she wanted to make costumes as anime and cosplay intrigues her. Of all the “Nicole”s that I came across so far had a “H” in their names. So when I was spelling out her name she had to correct me by pointing out that her name is spelled without that “H”. That amused me a bit.
I joked about my short memory and my choice of studying a boring subject like computer science during this discourse – I can’s exactly remember why. To my surprise however, she mentioned of her being a student of computer science too and currently being on her last year of study. We laughed about some difficult subjects that are part of the curriculum of Computer Science and how I hated them all while studying them during my uni. Before departing she mentioned that on her spare time, she explores her creative side making designs with the sewing machine.
Thank you Nicole for being part of my project.For more images, please head over to my website following this link:----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #19 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #18 - Kiah
Hello everyone. Hope you’re all doing great. It’s been a while since my last contribution and despite hesitancy over covid fears I still wanted to do some shooting as it’s been long overdue. Fortunately, it was a wonderful day in Sydney and hence I decided to go to the CBD to find someone for my project. After cruising through the George St and finding its empty I was starting to be skeptical of my prospects of meeting someone and with that initial impression I decided to go to the nearby Hyde Park – couple of blocks off – as sometimes people go there during lunch time for some fresh air and a change.
As I was walking by, I saw someone sitting on a bench in a distance wearing a red dress which immediately caught my attention as it definitely popped against the backdrop of greenery and dark grey colors of the bench. I then noticed she was also having a snack. As such I was initially a bit unsure of going up to her as she was eating at that time.
I hesitated for a moment. In fact, at one point, I was thinking not to approach, and I walked up the path past her quite a bit. But then I walked back and make my way up to her as she was still having some food. To my surprise however, she was very open and friendly to my approach and asked if I would be selling her something. I assured her of having no such intention and as I explained the whole affair she consented with a big smile.
So here is our gorgeous Kiah. As I came closer, I noticed how all the different colors match each other and even the color of the plastic bag that she was using to carrying her food all having a red theme. After setting up my camera and taking a bunch of photos of her we talked about a whole lot of different things about my background my project and my work.
These days people are more into phones then books and as she was reading books it was something worth talking about – I thought.
Being a lover of reading books myself I couldn’t help asking what book she was reading at the time, and she mentioned the book was about subconscious thoughts and how its changes people. It’s of course an interesting subject in phycology which I enjoyed a lot in the past. Out of this conversation she mentioned that at the age of 15 she was living in Papua Niugini with her dad which was one of the most dangerous places back then to live and how that experience alone shaped her personality later on. She described how she became appreciative and thankful of the living in Australia after such experience in her formative years. And despite the fortunes of living here in Australia how that experience helped her to empathize with people living elsewhere in less desirable conditions.Thank you Kiah for being part of my project. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to you and last but not the least I totally liked the elegant “thy-majesty” (lol) looks that you had at that time. Wish you all the best and who knows we might come across again and have another round of discussion on phycology and life in general.For more images, please head over to my website following this link:----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #18 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #20 - Natalia
I just had finished my work for the day, and it was somewhat rainy as I stepped out of my workplace and decided to go to the CBD for something interesting. On my way I noticed someone across the street as I was waiting for the traffic lights to go amber. I thought for a moment. She was next to a very busy stop and was also smoking. For some reason I have hard times with that smell, so I decided not to approach.Then I was walking and walking and walking up and down the streets of CBD for how long – I really don’t know. But I was a bit exhausted. And after at least an hour or so walking like this and failing to spot someone intriguing, I was passing near Martin Place and was leaning against the fences of a pop-up tree on the side of the footpath. I was thinking to sit down on a bench next to the footpath however, since there were fresh rains, and all the benches were wet it was not an option. So, I had to lean against the fences. A bit tired out of walking for long and a bit distracted I was looking at the horizon for a moment.Suddenly, I noticed her walking past right in front of me along with her friend. It was hard not to look at her because of her very different looks – unique, eccentric, and intriguing to say the least and I had no choice but to stop her right there without any delay whatsoever.So here is Natalia and her friend Maddy. After a brief exchange and sharing the information about the project I asked if she would like to participate and she happily consented. At the time as I was taking her photos I almost forgot to put the right setting on my camera as I was getting distracted over and over by the looks on her face.One thing that certainly caught my attention was the colors on her face and then the blades as the earrings and the cross – not one but two. I had a hunch it was something relating to Catholicism. I couldn’t hold my curiosity and since I am not very familiar, I couldn’t help asking if she an orthodox catholic. She mentioned – to my surprise though that she isn’t.Out of that response – adding to my curiosity – I kept asking random questions. I wanted to get to know her and to figure out as to what inspired her of dressing this way. She mentioned of something called alternative culture – some band names. It seems like she a huge fan of music as she gave me the names of some of those bands – The Cure, Sisters Of Mercy, Skeletal Family, Siouxsie and the banshees. Although I have never heard those names previously, I looked them up later and listened to a few songs as well – gothic rock and punk – a genre that has a great popularity.Natalia is born in Poland and been in Sydney since she is seven 7. Her favorite activity is to spend time with Maddy – her best friend. Both shares a good deal of great memories together and are looking forward to joining a concert next year.For more images, please head over to my website following this link:----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #20 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #21 - Simon & Esther
Australia day and The Rocks. An excellent day for photo enthusiasts and a wonderful day to enjoy along with its festive vive and fun events. Thousands gathering near Circular Quey and The Rocks to make the place a colorful mixture of fun, joy and celebration. Walking all the way from Darling Harbour I went to The Rocks to watch it and be part of it. As I was walking along the Rocks market, I spotted this shop selling yummy foods. I noticed Simon first and as the shop was not very busy I went up to him and asked if it would be okay to take picture. Friendly Simon welcomed my gesture. And informed him of the project and asked if he would like to participate.As our conversation went on he mentioned of different recipes he cooked, his Spanish heritage and the last six years of his time in the food business. He also introduced me to his lovely partner – Esther, and how they have been together for the last 26 years.Coming from South Asian background, although I have a fair bit of inclination to all kinds of foods that are spicy and savory, I couldn’t taste all those recipes unfortunately being on a strict diet. Ester persisted that I try however, I had to turn down her offer despite the rich smells of those mouthwatering delicacies. Perhaps on a different day - I told myself.Although relatively new to Australian life compared to that of Esther who was born in Australia, Simon got his citizenship several months back to finally call Australia home.Thank you, Simon and Esther, to be part of my project and I wish you all the best in your venture.For more images, please head over to my website following this link:----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #21 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #22 - Brianna
Here is Brianan whom I met in Circular Quay near Sydney CBD. She is currently working and studying. She also performs Ballet dance since she was four and now teaches it to the kids. Thank you Brianna for being part of my project.If you’re interested about the whole discourse, please head over to my website following this link:
as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #22 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #23 "Battsetseg"
It was a wonderful day here in Sydney and since it was my day off I decided to head to the CBD for some photoshoot. I came about the lunch time near townhall. I approached some people over there but unfortunately they were all busy. When I mentioned the word “project” – some of them actually even smiled slyly before walking off. There I noticed her in the corner making some dance moves and recording it on her phone. Tiktok videos – I guessed. So I patiently waited for her to finish. But an hour have gone by and after approaching bunch of other people and failing to get them to come along I finally approach her and explained this project.
She was hesitant at first and that point I told her how wonderful she would look in this bright sunny day for her fair skin tones and beautiful dress – that she will get lots of likes on Facebook (lol – yes, I actually said that) and asked if she could give me only five minutes.Still hesitant and me being persistent she somehow agreed. It was a very brief interaction for about 5 to 10 minutes or so. And during our conversation she mentioned she loves doing shopping in her spare time. And sometimes she goes to walk with her husband apart from making videos for Instagram. Her name is Battsetseg (not sure though if its actually a real name)
That’s all I could know about her but we exchanged emails so if I get to know her real name I might come and update this thread.For more images, please head over to my website following this link:----------------------------------------
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #23 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger # 24 - Yuri
I met this wonderful lady named Yuri near Townhall at Sydney CBD.
Apart from working she also loves doing fashion photography for for uni. Born in Philippines moved to Australia for studies.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #24 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger # 25 - Tessa
I met this wonderful lady named Tessa at Hyde Park Sydney CBD.
Apart from studying she loves doing design. Born here in Australia and raised in Cental Coast.However there are much more to this. And if you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #25 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #26 - Tiffany
I met this gorgeous lady recently in Townhall near Sydney CBD. She finished her studies from Unsw and now looking for a job.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #26 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger 27 - Alexia
I met her at Townhall station. She is planning for a trip to Europe soon.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #27 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #28 - Emily
I met this gorgeous lady name Emily Smith at Hyde Park Sydney. She is from Orange.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #28 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger # 29 - River
I met this wonderful lady near Townhall at Sydney CBD while she was waiting for lightrail. We talked for about three hours while exploring many events of her life. It was a very refreshing conversation to get to know a stranger.However, there are much more to this and If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #29 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #30 - Erae
I met Emily Raeburn (Erae) at Martin Place in Sydney CBD as part of this project. I approached her while she was heading for work. It was a short encounter where we talked about her upbringing, her family and work.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #30 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger # 31 - Sam
I met this wonderful lady named Sam as part of this project at Sydney CBD near westfield.
Her face was very captivating to my eyes and that's why I approached her while she was standing by the footpath smoking a cigarette. Although she hesitated a bit but as I showed my blog and the flick page she happily came along to join. We talked about her hobbies, her life and tastes in general.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #31 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #32 - Lili
I met this wonderful lady named Lili as part of this project near Martin Place in Sydney CBD. She was at the hospital cafe next to Domain while I saw her. First I didnt approach but as she took her coffee and started to walk from that cafe I approached her as she was right behind me at that moment. When I told her what I was doing she consented with a big smile. In the next couple of minutes we exchanged a fun and entertaining conversation where we laughed, joked and even teased each other with different ideas.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #32 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger # 33 - Alison
I met this wonderful lady named Alison Belle at Museum Station near Sydney CBD as part of this project recently.We talked about many thing like her upbringing her hobbies places he visited etcIt was one of those long encounters where we spent over an hour or so. The light was not so good but I somehow got around it with my reflector.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #33 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #34 - Lili Beth
I met this wonderful lade named Lili Beth as part of my project near Hyde Park as she was walking though.
She was kinda unsure at first as to where to take her photo. I quickly decided to take her at a nearby location where we took some photo. Then I showed those images to her she was impressed and after that as I showed her my blog she was more impressed by it and the I took her to another location where we took a few more images.
There are other images which came out good as well but I choose this one because I liked her expression.
She used to work as a fashion model in the past.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #34 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger # 35 - Kana
I met Kana Takagi at Hyde Park recently as part of this project. She was there since she recently arrived in Sydney.
Hailed from Japan she used to be a nurse back then.We talked about her life, setting in Sydney and different places to visit.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #35 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #36 - Molly
I met Molly Borland as part of this project at Hyde Park recently while she was eating her lunch sitting on a bench.
I approached her mainly for time constraints. This is my second attempt to get busy people into the project. Erae (30th) was the first.in this very short discussion we talked about her job and upbringing.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #36 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #37 - Jackie
I met Jackie at Hyde Park recently as part of this project. We talked about her life, hobbies and her family. It was an overcast day so the lighting was not so good. So I made her sit down while taking this photo.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #37 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #38 - Pascal
I met Pascal as part of this project recently at townhall. It was a rainy day and while she was walking with her friends I approached her for the photo. It was raining so I aksed her friend (Atlas) to hold the reflector for me. It was a brief encounter as her other friend was waiting.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #38 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #39 - Esmee
Hi I met Esmee as part of this project recently at Hyde Park as she was walking to Art Gallery. She is hailed from Holland and came to Australia for her studies. We talked about her life, upbringing, likes and dislikes, work etc. It was long fun encounter where I tried different aspects as composition background.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #39 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #40 - Jenn
Hi, I met Jenn recently as part of this project at Circular Quay. It was a brief encounter as I was on a rush to attend other priorities. We talked about her work and her heritage.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #40 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #41 - CENTAINE
I met CENTAINE recently at Hyde Park Sydney while she was passing by. It was raining so we took picture under the tree and as we took pictures we talked about her upbringing, memories of the past, her hobbies likes dislikes and many other things.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #41 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #42 - Mariia
Hi I met Mariia recently at Hyde Park as she was taking a stroll. She was from Ukraine from the region of donbass. We talked about her life, settling in Australia and her family back there.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #42 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #43 - Tracey
Hi, I met Tracey recently at Townhalls Sydney as I was standing next to the entrance to the station. She was on her class break so I decided to keep it short. We talked about her favorite memories, work and studies.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #43 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #44 - Marieon
Hi, I met Marieon recently as part of this project at the Galleries Pavilion in a clothing store. We had a fun conversation about her upbringing, her ancestry, her likes and dislikes etc.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #44 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #45 - Nicole Yang
Hi, I met Nicole Yang recently at Hyde Park just after I met another starnger right before her. I took the chance to approach her while she was going for a appointment. We talked about her studies, covid lockdown and difficulties with long distance, some photographic techniques etc.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #45 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Stranger #46 - Catherina
Hi, I met Catherina at Westfields in Sydney CBD at a prominent shopping mall - Myers.
She went there to work. And before her work would start I approached her for the project and she happily came along. We discussed about her family overseas, her favorite actors and her family and parents.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #46 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------For similar stories please click here

Stranger #47 - Serena
Hi, I recently met Serena as part of this project at Townhalls, sydney while she was waiting for her friend for a lunch.
we went to a nearby park where we took some photos and we discussed about her heritage, her pet loving, some interesting memories, movies she likes etc.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #47 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------For similar stories please click hereFollow us on instagram @blissfulpenguinofficial

Stranger #48 - Anna
Hi, I met Anna recently for this project as she was doing her shopping in one of the most prominent shopping malls in Sydney - Myers. After sharing the details we went to the park where we had a wonderful conversation and photoshoot.We talked about her next visit to the US, her family, her visit to Sydney from Melbourne and many more.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #48 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------For similar stories please click hereFollow us on instagram @blissfulpenguinofficial

Stranger # 49 - Juna
Hi, I recently met Juna while walking around the iconic Sydney Harbours near Circular Quay. Originally from Japan, she has been visiting Sydney over the week coming from Fiji where she is currently living for her studies in English. We talked about her life in Fiji, some personal issues and some attractions in Sydney.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #20 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------For similar stories please click hereFollow us on instagram @blissfulpenguinofficial

Comments welcome but no gif/awards pls.


Comments welcome but no GIF /AWARDS pls

Stranger #50 - Micky
Hi, I met Micky recently at Hyde Park (Sydney CBD) as she was sitting on a bench.
She has been here in Sydney for last two months and from Philippines. She likes to read books and wants to travel. She is also good with finance and budgeting.
If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #50 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------For similar stories please click hereFollow us on instagram @blissfulpenguinofficial

Stranger # 51 - Jay
Hi I met Jay recently as she was crossing an intersection. Although I was reluctant to approach as she was going home after work, the lights turned red (luckily) which gave me the opportunity to strike up a conversation about the project. It was a brief encounter. It was my third attempt in getting busy people on board. Here are the other ones .
And the associated blog
First (blog)
and the
and its associated blog
Second (blog)If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #51 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------For similar stories please click hereFollow us on instagram @blissfulpenguinofficial


stole her for a quick photo while hunting strangers for my project.details: blissful-penguin.com.au/blog/

Met her around Domain (Sydney CBD) and asked for a photo while hunting for strangers into my project
details: blissful-penguin.com.au/blog/

Stranger #52 - Sophie
Hi, I recently met Sophie at Darling Harbour as she was walking around. She recently came to Sydney from Perth on a short trip.
We talked about her trip, her experience in Sydney, about the project and many more.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #52 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------For similar stories please click hereFollow us on instagram @blissfulpenguinofficial

Stranger #53 - Seika
Hi, I recenty met Seika while she was waiting to catch the train. I was there on the station to get to the city. After introducing myself and sharing the details when I asked her to join she happily came along. She is here for the last four months. We talked about her new settlement in Sydney and also some places to visit. She likes going to the beach and I gave her info about some of the beautiful beaches that I happen to visit in the past.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #53 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------For similar stories please click hereFollow us on instagram @blissfulpenguinofficial

Sugata (Stranger)
100 Strangers is an ambitious photography project in the area of street and people photography.
You can learn more about the project by visiting the following link:

Stranger 54# Emily Caitlyn
I recently met Emily while she was walking around Darling Harbour (Sydney CBD) heading towards the city. Her hair caught my eyes as I noticed her from a distance. She used to live in Sydney but now mover to Sunshine coast. The life in Sydney is very busy as she put it compared to that of Sunshine coast which is very relaxed. She works as a flight attendant and travels around the world. We talked about many things such as my journey into the project, some of my past experience, her favorite memories and lots of other fun stuff.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #54 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------For similar stories please click hereFollow us on instagram @blissfulpenguinofficial

Kana (Stranger)
part of my strangers project:blissful-penguin.com.au/project-100-strangers-35-100-kana/

Her name is Lili Beth. Used to work as a fashion model before moving to Sydney. Someday she wants to try it out again.for more visit:

More on Facebook:www.facebook.com/BlissfulPenguinOfficial/posts/pfbid0FVxt...

Caitlyn (BW)
Met her at Circular Quay while working on my strangers project.More on facebook:www.facebook.com/BlissfulPenguinOfficial/posts/pfbid0FVxt...Visit: blissful-penguin.com.au/blog/
for similar encounters

Stranger #55 - Laura
I recently met Laura at Hyde Park as part of this project. It was a delight getting to know her. She has been in Sydney for the last few weeks for her Studies. She is from Colombia and currently studying English. She moved here because the financial situation in Colombia is difficult. We talked about her settling in Sydney. Colombian culture and likes and dislikes and many more fun stuff.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #55 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------For similar stories please click hereFollow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouPic @BlissfulPenguinOfficial

More pictures on facebook:www.facebook.com/BlissfulPenguinOfficial/posts/pfbid0hDSz...Met her at Hyde Park while working on my project:For more visit: blissful-penguin.com.au/blog/

Met her at Circular Quay while working on my strangers project:More pictures on facebook:
www.facebook.com/BlissfulPenguinOfficial/posts/pfbid0sgST...more about my project:

Sophie (II)
Met her at Circular Quay while working on my strangers project:More pictures on facebook:
www.facebook.com/BlissfulPenguinOfficial/posts/pfbid0sgST...more about my project:

Met her near Hyde Park (Sydney) while working on my current project.for more photos visit:www.facebook.com/BlissfulPenguinOfficial/posts/pfbid02ymd...more about my project:

for more photos pls visit:

for more photos of her visit:www.facebook.com/BlissfulPenguinOfficial/posts/pfbid02wGp...

Stranger #56 - Marie Enderle
I recently met Marie as part of this project at Circular Quay (Sydney CBD). She is German and been in Sydney for about a month and will be heading to Byron Bay in a short while. She would like to learn Surfing while enjoying the beautiful weather here in Australia.
I should point out that initially she was hesitant of joining the project however, after showing all the relevant info (Flickr page, blog, already published articles, social links etc.) she was convinced of it and gladly came along to take part.
It was a very wonderful session and there are a lot more to this. And if you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usual
This picture is #56 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
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Soma (Archive Shot)

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Bridal Journey (Archive Shot)
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Sophie (III)
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Stranger #57 - Chloe
I recently met Chloe as part of this project at the iconic Circular Quay (Sydney CBD). It was quite an interesting meetup as we chatted for about an hour or so about her visit to Sydney from Adelaide. We met at the museum of contemporary art near the Rocks. I got immediately interested about her different tattoos. She works as a manager for a retail chain and since she has to work a lot she came to Sydney for a change. Since Adelaide is much smaller compared to Sydney, it attracted her for its liveliness and activity. Even with a complete stranger, she was very friendly and very cooperative and that made this session super fun and engaging.There are a lot more to this and if you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.To see other pictures please click here
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #57 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------For similar stories please click hereFollow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouPic @BlissfulPenguinOfficial-------------------
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Ebony (II)
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Claudia (II)
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Alessia (II)
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Eva Potma
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Stranger #58 - Suyeon Kim
Hi, I recently met Suyeon Kim as part of this project at Hyde Park (Sydney CBD). Her uncle is living here in Australia for last 17 years and now she is here for studying English. She also wants to travel around Australia going to Brisbane and Gold Coast. It was one of those encounters when the very last person said Yes after multiple failed attempts. Sometimes persistence pays off. Despite our language difficulties it was yet another fun encounter. And this is the last one from 2022.If you want to see the remaining image of this encounter pls click here.
--------------------If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #58 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------For similar stories please click hereFollow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouPic @BlissfulPenguinOfficial

Eva Potma (II)
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Sarah Park
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Sarah Park (II)
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Milka Lappalainen
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Stranger #59 - Helena
I recently met Helena while she was travelling Sydney (Australia) from Frankfort (Germany). This was my first encounter of 2023 and as I was taking a stroll inside Hyde Park, I came across her and after explaining the project she happily came along. We discussed about her many likes and dislikes including book reading and travelling and swimming. Her mom is also a photographer who loves to take pictures of people incidentally and often thinks her daughter is very photogenic. During this discourse I totally forgot to mention if her mom should also participate in this project however, as you can understand we had a lot of fun talking and it was an excellent session overall.-----------------------------------------
And there are a lot more to this and if you want to see the remaining image of this encounter pls click here.
-----------------------------------------If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #59 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------For similar stories please click hereFollow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouPic @BlissfulPenguinOfficial

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Milka Lappalainen (II)
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Helena (III)
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Suyeon Kim (II)
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Colombia (II)
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Lucy (II)
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Ciara (II)
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She is an environmental activist who wants to save the frogs.For more images pls visit:www.facebook.com/BlissfulPenguinOfficial/posts/pfbid027D3...-------------------
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Colombia (III)
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Juliana (II)
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Nadia (II)
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Sofia (II)
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Sofia (III)
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Jasmine (II)
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Susanne Bullin
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Rachel (II)
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Rachel (III)
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Stranger #60 - Ellen
As I stood leaning against the barrier walls, I couldn't help but notice her walking past me. With a burst of courage, I stopped her with a simple "hi", and to my surprise, she stopped to chat. We struck up a conversation, and I asked her if she would be interested in joining the project. Much to my delight, she agreed, and we set off towards the nearby Hyde Park for a photo shoot. Despite the outdoor conditions being manageable, her cooperation and enthusiasm made the experience even better. We laughed and joked throughout the shoot, and it became yet another memorable stranger encounter to add to my list. Overall, it was an incredible experience and a reminder of the beauty of connecting with new people.If you want to see the remaining images of this encounter pls click here.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #60 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------For similar stories please click hereFollow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouPic and YouTube @BlissfulPenguinOfficial-------------------
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Ellen (Stranger)
EllenFor more images pls visit:
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Zoe (II)
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Shivali (II)
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Kana (II)
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Sara (II)
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Stranger #61 - Caitlyn
While lounging on the grass, soaking up the sunshine in beautiful Hyde Park, I interrupted Caitlyn's moment of pure bliss to ask for a photo for my project. Caitlyn, as she introduced herself, had recently moved to Sydney from Castle Hill and sought solace in the tranquil greenery of Hyde Park, relishing the feeling of the grass beneath her fingertips. In our conversation, she even shared a funny story about her quirky love for apple juice, but only when she was feeling under the weather.As I chatted with this whimsical and magical soul, it became evident that she found immense joy in immersing herself in the captivating scenes of animated movies, especially those crafted by the legendary Studio Ghibli. It was as if she could transport herself to a world where imagination had no limits—a place where fantastical creatures and breathtaking landscapes sprung to life, enthralling her senses and rekindling her childlike wonder.With Frank Ocean's soul-stirring melodies serenading her ears, she effortlessly merged her imagination with the picturesque realm of Studio Ghibli. In this harmonious blend of music and animation, she found solace, a safe haven where dreams seamlessly intertwined with reality, igniting an overwhelming sense of pure bliss.Encountering Caitlyn was truly a delightful addition to my ongoing project of connecting with 100 strangers. Her unique story and shared love for whimsy and joyous experiences further enriched the tapestry of individuals who have touched my life.If you want to see the remaining images of this encounter pls click here.If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #61 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
----------------------------------------For similar stories please click hereFollow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouPic and YouTube @BlissfulPenguinOfficial
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Zoe (BW)
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Caitlyn (III)
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Elis and his friend
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Nana (Stranger)
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Stranger #62 - Jordyn
“You look like Angelina Jolie” – I said jokingly just a minute into our chat—some playful remarks, a bit of fun, passion, excitement, and the promise of an adventure – that makes up for the next episode of this series. I remember when I embarked on my own journey – my very first encounter with a stranger who happened to be a fashion model. It was a serendipitous introduction by a friend who, coincidentally, was there on assignment as a photographer. That rendezvous feels like a distant memory now, almost a decade ago.In the years that followed, I crossed paths with countless individuals, some dreaming of modeling, others showing extraordinary potential for the industry. Then there was this one person I met over a year ago, a fashion school alumna. Surprisingly, despite her training, she never took the plunge. So you can imagine my delight today, stumbling upon someone brimming with both passion and determination, finally ready to seize the opportunity.Just a few days ago, as she was wandering through the city streets, when fate intervened, caught the eye of a business promoter who offered her a modeling gig for a clothing brand. She dives in headfirst, and to her surprise, discovers a newfound confidence in front of the camera. It's like she's found her calling. And here's the kicker—she's an electrician by trade, proof that passion knows no bounds and when that fiery passion ignites within, it's a sign to follow wherever it leads.
There are a lot more to this!If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #62 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
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Stranger 63 - Hanneke
Meet Hanneke, all the way from the Netherlands, on a wild quest to explore the colorful wonders of Australia! Over the last couple of months, she's been on an epic adventure across this enormous continent, experiencing the extreme weather whiplash from the sizzling heat of Adelaide to the chilly bites of Sydney.Her shiny blonde hair immediately caught my attention as she sat beside the Archibald fountain in Hyde Park, just outside Museum Station. A splash of white from her hoodie, paired with that bright yellow hair against the dark brown bench amidst the vibrant greenery – it was like a scene from a quirky painting, perfectly set in the midday sun.She had headphones on, which gave me a moment's pause. Should I interrupt her trance? But then I remembered all the times I've approached people lost in their books, chatting with friends on the phone, or lost in their music (apparently, like in this case). Nothing's ever stopped me before from striking up a conversation with random folks in everyday situations, so why not this time?As it turns out, she's a fellow metal music fan, instantly transporting me back to those uni days when I couldn't get enough of Metallica - "Turn the Page," "The Unforgiven," you name it. Ah, those were the days, buried now in the dusty corners of faded memories. But it was refreshing to find someone with similar tastes. Her only regret? Not being able to pull off those hardcore metal growls – soft metal was her forte. And to add to the charm, she's into painting, and much to my mild amusement, her dad's a horror movie buff. Classic!----------------------------------------
There are a lot more to this!If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #63 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
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Hanneke (II)
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Stranger #64 - Kaisa
Meet Kaisa, the ultimate thrill-seeker – lover of surprises and adventurer extraordinaire! For the past 17 years, she's been tearing up the hill tracks on her trusty dirt bike, a skill she picked up from her dad. But Kaisa's not just about adrenaline-pumping rides; she's also a connoisseur of wanderlust, globe-trotting through several countries before making her way Down Under. Adding to her adventurous spirit, she immersed herself in ten months of farm work in the remote outskirts of Perth, in the middle of nowhere!From the quaint corners of Estonia to the wilderness of Perth and now soaking in the vibes of Sydney, her journey is nothing short of epic. Her dad, her lifelong mentor, not only taught her the ropes of dirt biking since she was 10 but also instilled in her the invaluable life lesson: "there's a solution for everything." Despite taking a tumble or two in her younger days, Kaisa emerged unscathed and stronger, now ready to conquer the globe solo.Kaisa's most remarkable feat? In 2018, while in Sweden, she conquered one of the tallest concrete hills without a single spill. Yep, you read that right – she's a pro at hill gliding! Kaisa's remarkable achievements and zest for life make her one heck of an inspiring trailblazer.----------------------------------------
There are a lot more to this!If you are interested about the whole episode, please head over to my website following this link as it contains much more information and many more images.
(Constructive) Criticism is welcome as usualThis picture is #64 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page
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Jordyn (III)
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