Photos Taken: 03/07/2024 12:49:55 (March, 07, 2024)
Published: March 18, 2024
As the month of March tiptoes towards its end in the waning days of summer, the air still carries whispers of its lingering heat while the golden hues of autumn stand poised to make their imminent appearance. The sun, radiant and passionate, bathed the world in its warm embrace, beckoning to adventurous souls to wander beneath its fiery gaze. Amidst this canvas of vibrant days and endless horizons, I found myself once more venturing out into the world, leaving behind the confines of my sanctuary in search of serendipity.

As I rushed to the station, rather than running to catch the train on time, the doors were wide open just before its imminent shut. Once again, I took the back seat at the top deck in the second compartment. Planted there with my backpack by my side, I chewed some chocolates – Roses from Cadbury brand – marked by its exquisitely unparalleled taste and vibrant, colorful packaging. The carriage hummed with activity, a vibrant tapestry of diverse souls woven together by the shared pulse of urban life. The crisp crackle of the packaging torn asunder, scarcely heard by neighboring travelers. Listening to some tunes along the way, I came close to Museum Station some time later. When the train finally slowed to a halt, I disembarked, the echo of my footsteps marking the passage of time. Half an hour had slipped by unnoticed, lost amidst the cacophony of sights and sounds that enveloped me. Yet, in that brief interlude, I had tasted the sweetness of life, a reminder of the beauty that resides in the simplest of pleasures.

Hyde Park, my refuge for the past hours, had yielded no fruit, and as I emerged onto the bustling streets, the rhythm of life pulsed around me. It was time to go to a different destination – Circular Quay. As I strolled along Alfred Street, my thoughts meandered, reflecting upon the evolution of my own spirit. Once timid and hesitant, I now traversed the world with a newfound confidence, unshackled from the weight of others’ perceptions. The journey had transformed me, sculpting my character into something bold and unapologetically authentic.

Amidst the throngs of people, I am there striking conversations here and there with unknown people. It was a moment suspended in time, framed by the bustling energy of the station and the promise of untold encounters. Not too long after, I encountered a stranger, a chance meeting amidst the ebb and flow of urban existence.
One minute into our conversation I was looking at the photos I’d just taken of her in the playback of my camera. In that brief interlude, I couldn’t help but notice a striking resemblance between her and the luminous Angelina Jolie, a name familiar to many. I had to make my naive observation.
You look like Angelina Jolie…
Ohh really?? No… (she laughed)
Have anybody ever told you that??
No never… (She was giggling)
Look at this picture… I believe it looks like … The younger version of…
(Her giggling continues)

I remember when I embarked on my own journey – my very first encounter with a stranger who happened to be a fashion model. It was a serendipitous introduction by a friend who, coincidentally, was there on assignment as a photographer. That rendezvous feels like a distant memory now, almost a decade ago.
In the years that followed, I crossed paths with countless individuals, some dreaming of modeling, others showing extraordinary potential for the industry. Then there was this one person I met over a year ago, a fashion school alumna. Surprisingly, despite her training, she never took the plunge. So you can imagine my delight today, stumbling upon someone brimming with both passion and determination, finally ready to seize the opportunity.

Actually I never had my photos taken… photos taken like professionally….
Last week I did a photo-shoot… she went on.
For what?
Clothing brand…
I was out in the city… Someone stopped me and asked me if I want to be a model for them… I was like… What?!! I’ve never done anything like that before…
I thought let’s give it a go…
Lot of people… They actually tried to get into this kind of things but they probably never try…
I met someone who was from Perth long time ago… last year… (it was actually a year and a half ago) She was like a… pretty much like a model face…
Like she get all the… like facial style and everything… she actually went to a modeling school as well… I said ohh… why after all of these things have you never give it a try?!…
Look I am too shy in front of the camera (she told me)… Ohh that makes sense!…
That’s what I was… she added
Why not just go and do it like… even if it’s bad… may be I won’t do it again but doing now one shoot gives me so much confidence…
Needless to say, it was a joyous moment of reflection knowing how she evolved.

Her eyes, aglow with a luminous fervor, held within them the power to enrapture any beholder. In the artistry of photography, such resplendent eyes serve as beacons, drawing the viewer into a world of boundless fascination. As I framed her essence through the lens of my camera, I found myself inexorably drawn to the captivating allure of her gaze. Each click of the shutter felt like a whispered acknowledgment of the profound beauty residing within those radiant orbs.
What kind of color do you have in your eyes?… like is it kinda emerald yeah??
Yeah little bit of Grey and Blue and Yellow…
Whom did you get it from? like your mom or your dad?
Well… my mom has hazel.
My dad has brown
It’s kinda Grey… Isn’t it. Hazel is kinda Grey isn’t it?? (well, my bad I mistakenly confused light blue with Grey)
My Pop has blue… So a little bit from my Pop…
You kinda got a bit of a mixture of…
Most people in my family has brown or hazel so I have you know… like its green
So you kinda have a kinda mixture… I went on

In the midst of mundane conversations, a delightful revelation emerged like a breath of fresh air: beneath her trade as an electrician lay a heart enamored with pets. In the vast expanse of Australia, where the care of companion animals is esteemed, the tapestry of animal welfare weaves a complex tale, encompassing not just the pastoral realms of livestock farming but also the delicate ecosystems of wildlife conservation. Through the lens of activism, the dark chapters of livestock exports by sea, now banned in Australia thanks to impassioned voices, remind us of the ongoing struggle for humane treatment. Amidst these challenges, our rich biodiversity beckons both reverence and protection, inspiring endeavors in habitat conservation and campaigns against the harrowing specter of wildlife trafficking.
Yet, it was amidst these threads of discourse that a singular moment of empathy shone through—her choice to embrace a rescued dog, a small but resonant gesture of compassion amid the vast canvas of ethical deliberations. As the specter of inhumane treatment lingers, it is such acts of kindness that reaffirm the enduring quest to uphold the sanctity of life and nurture the well-being of all creatures, casting a luminous beacon amidst the complex tapestry of animal welfare in our nation.

I have two dogs. They are really cute.
One poodle mixed with Shih Tzu
And my other one (poodle) mixed with Golden Retriever
So, he is a bit bigger… Curly poodle is very cute… His name is Kimba.
The other one – her name is Elsa – like from the movie frozen.
Our first dog Elsa – we got her from a rescue home they… keeping dogs like mistreated, abused and stuff like that…
She was one of them… she was like… super underweight… really scared of everything like… super mistreated and we took her in… and she is doing really good now…
Ohh that’s cool
So sometimes they… you know like… you find some of these dogs I believe when the owners… they move to different places or you know… circumstances changes…
They just leave them… yeah… its pretty sad…
Most of the times… but… these kinda… like cats dogs they are pretty gentle… like they are domesticated… they are not like… you know they are not very vicious… which is good… they are… I think (that) the initial stage (is the most difficult like to domesticate them)…
Did you guys had to do the training?? Like you guys had to train the dog to do…
No No… We didn’t really do any training actually… We kinda just like tried to be gentle with her… and you know… do as much as we can but… with one of my other dogs she went into puppy training…
Puppy Training?! What is that…
Just like learning not to run away… learning how to seat… stuff like that… not too like… extensive… but with my other dog… we just… didn’t really bother…

Some playful remarks, a bit of fun, passion, excitement, and the promise of an adventure – that makes up for the current episode of this series. As we bid adieu to the day, leaving behind a trail of memories, the sun still hung high, casting its warmth upon us while the humid air enveloped our senses. Amidst the choreography of capturing the perfect shot, ascending stairs, and juggling the weight of my burdensome backpack under the midday sun, perspiration glistened upon my brow, its salty rivulets tracing paths down my skin, leaving a burning sensation in my eyes. With each movement, the temperature oscillated between scorching heat and fleeting breezes, leaving me in the throes of a battle with flu-like symptoms, a mere transient inconvenience in the grandeur of the moment. As my experiment with light draws to a close, what remains are ineffable emotions, elusive and intangible, evading capture by the most eloquent of words.